Friday, January 3, 2014

A Sweet Baby Dragon for the New Year

This is the time of year when I feel like I need a vacation after all of those holidays. You see, not only do we have Christmas with extended families and New Year's, but we also have both my son's and my birthdays smack dab in the mix. This year, my oldest child turned 18 and I turned 40 just four days later. Add that to the fact that another year has slipped by PLUS Seasonal Affective Disorder, and you end up with one melancholy mama.

To ward off the winter blues and the feeling that I'm approaching the top of the hill, I decided to create a cuddly, pink baby for the New Year. But this is sort of a Chinese baby-- a Chinese baby dragon, that is! Her name is Li Mei, which means "pretty rose" and she has a spunky attitude. She has just been vaccinated and is ready for adoption! Her horns and wings have just started to grow and she's cutting her baby teeth. 
 Li Mei has an articulated jaw which opens slightly and she can carry her mouse in her mouth.
 Li Mei is very posable. She is about 7 inches long and has a 9 inch tail. Her mouse is a little over an inch long. Li Mei has a removable beaded collar with bell and a padded blanket-bed.

Li Mei is very playful! She loves her blanket bed.

Li Mei's dragon wings are just beginning to bud!

Li Mei's lower jaw is articulated, so it opens slightly.

Look into her beautiful gray-blue eyes and feel the love. She even has a heart marking on her forehead.
She has a tiny mouse and removable collar.

Li Mei is now available for adoption in my Etsy shop. Her hands and feet are made of air dry paper clay and her body is the softest Merino wool needle felted over padded wire armature. Her head and feet have been carefully painted and varnished.