Monday, November 25, 2013

Making progress (WARNING: Minor nudity)

I've been working on Sidera for a few weeks now and she's finally starting to look like a person...uh, I mean, doll. The theme for this doll is based on a dream I had, which is the theme for the November doll challenge from the Art Dolls Only (ADO) group. The dream was a sensual experience revolving around the moonlight, the night, and the sound of a whippoorwill's call. There were a few more components in the dream: irises, frogs chirping, the feel of a summer night's air. I've chosen to focus on the moon and the whippoorwill elements of the dream and to try to portray a sense of inner calm and knowing in my doll's expression.

My doll's name is Sidera, which means "luminous" in Latin. She is an Elfin Moonbeam Traveler, which means she travels along the moon's beams to commune with nature's creatures on the brightest nights of the months. On summer nights, when the moon is bright and you can hear a chorus of frogs and whippoorwills calling, Sidera is nearby.

Here is an updated pic of Sidera. She is ready for her hair, eyelashes, and costume now! She will also be holding a needle felted whippoorwill.

paper clay and wool art doll
Sidera, the Elfin Moonbeam Traveler

paper clay and wool felted art doll

Paper clay and wool art doll


  1. Love the elf! Looking forward to seeing the finished piece!!

    1. Thank you! She now has hair, eyelashes, and a dress! Just need to get her shoes, her outer dress/robe, her whipporwill, and her moths! LOL.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Wilma! I will be "publishing" her more formal, longer story when she makes her formal debut. :)

  3. Interesting technique of building. Your craftsmanship is very impressive!

    1. Thank you, Luba-- your compliment means a lot to me. This doll's construction was definitely experimental. I'm pleased with how she turned out.
