Hello. It is nearing the end of the year, and here in Kentucky, the leaves have turned colors; many are floating solemnly to the ground while others are well into the first leg of their journey of rebirth. This is the time of the year when the days are noticeably shorter and I tend to find myself turning inward. I often find myself in melancholy thoughts about bygone days spent with friends I've not seen in decades or distant, tropical places that continue to provide much needed glowing warmth in my dreams on cold, dark winter nights. Another thing I tend to notice about myself during this time of year is that I become hyper-creative.
As this year's end coincides with the end of the first three decades of my life, I've found myself to be particularly reminiscent while I'm working on sketches or sculptures. I began to remember so many of the fairies, animals, elves, monsters, gnomes, and other creatures that I've made over the years, and I realized that it would have been nice to have a picture of each one tucked neatly into a photo journal or a scrap-book of sorts. As a result, I've decided to start this blog to chronicle my makings.
In addition, as a sort-of early New Year's resolution, I've recommitted myself to my old love-- making art dolls. I've joined Art Dolls Only and am working on my very first challenge, "A Dream I Had." This doll is truly a challenge for several reasons, but mainly because it is experimental in construct; she is made from both air dry paper clay and needle-felted wool, and I am trying out ball-and-socket type joints that use both media. Here's hoping I can finish her by the end of this month!
Here is a pic of my doll in progress (more pics and info to follow in the next post):
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